Date Range
is a field component with <input type="date">
from/to functionality.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
name | ✓ | string | name of the form control |
separator | string | string between the dates | |
value | string˛ (Date() constructor params with separator inbetween) | setter | |
label | string | label displayed on date field | |
labelType | 'outside' or 'inside' | whether label is inside or outside of the field | |
required | boolean | determines if date needs to be selected | |
requiredValidationMessage | string | validation message for when component does not satisfy required | |
returnFormat | custom | json | unix | js | utc | iso | isoDate | format of exposing value (through events and methods) | |
returnFormatFunction | if returnFormat is custom | (date:Date) => any | custom return format function |
displayFormat | custom | normal | short | medium | long | full | format of displayed date in the field | |
displayFormatFunction | if displayFormat is custom | (date:Date) => string | custom display format function |
minDate | string | Date | earliest date that can be selected by the user. | |
maxDate | string | Date | last date that can be selected by the user. | |
maxSelectableDays | number | number of days that can be in range | |
minSelectableDays | number | number of days that must be in range | |
maxDateSelectable | Date | Automatically set based on the value of maxSelectableDays | |
minDateSelectable | Date | Automatically set based on the value of maxSelectableDays |
This component does not have any slots.
- returns form field value
- triggers reportValidity
- triggers when value of the field changes
Live Editor
// import '@jaspero/web-components/date-range.wc.js'; // import '@jaspero/web-components/date-range.css'; <jp-date-range label="Pick a date range"></jp-date-range>