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Async Table


<jp-async-table> is a table component that loads its data asynchronously.


headersTableHeader[]column names
sortTableSortcurrent sorting state of the table
serviceTableServicetable data service
allowArrangeColumnsbooleanshould be the button for allowing arrangement of columns
showArrangingColumnsbooleanshould the button for arranging columns be shown
showExportbooleanshould the button for export to be shown
showImportbooleanshould be the button for import to be shown
dropdownMenuExportbooleanshould the button for export download csv or can you have more download options
rowClickablebooleandetermines if the row is clickable
idstringunique identifier
pageSizesnumber[]array of page sizes
wordingArray<{ARRANGE_COLUMNS: string, EXPORT: string, IMPORT: string, SELECT: string, LOADING: string, LOAD_MORE: string, PAGE_SIZE: string, SAVE: string, EMPTY_TABLE: string}>contains labels and messages used across the component



Defines the structure of a table header.

labelstringtitle for the table header
keystringused for identifying the corresponding data field
sortablebooleandetermines if the table column is sortable
freezeFirstColumnbooleandetermines if the first table column is frozen
freezeLastColumnbooleandetermines if the last table column is frozen
sortMethodfunctionused for custom sorting with ascending ( 'asc' ) or descending ( 'desc' ) direction
pipesTablePipeused for transforming table data
fallbackanyoptional value used as a replacement if the specific value isn't available
disabledbooleandisabled headers aren't shown by default but are available when arranging columns


  • value (required, type: any) - represents a data element
  • row (type: any) - reference to the entire data row
  • index (type: number) - numerical position in the table


Defines the sorting configuration of data.

keystringused for describing the data field by which items are sorted
directionasc or descdetermines if the sorting order is ascendant or descendant


Defines methods for fetching and loading more table data.

getfunctionretrieves data with optional sorting and returns a promise containing data rows
loadMorefunctionloads additional data with optional sorting and returns a promise containing rows of data
exportfunctionretrieves all data that should be included when export is triggered by the table
arrangeColumnsfunctionThis method is intended for persisting column organization
additionalExportTypesfunctionThis method is intended for adding additional export types to function

Additional Export Types

Each export type contains three key properties:

  • label: Name of the export type, displayed on the dropdown menu.
  • type: File format for the export. By default, csv, json, and xml are supported.
  • method: A function that is triggered upon export. This function manipulates data and returns it in the desired format.

Example Structure

type AdditionalExportType = {
label: string;
type: string;
method: () => {
fileContent: string | Uint8Array;
mimeType: string;
extension: string;


label: 'CSV',
type: 'csv',
method: () => ({
fileContent: [ => `"${h.label}"`).join(','),
mimeType: 'text/csv',
extension: 'csv'


This component does not have any slots.


  • removeRow(values: any, key = 'id')
    • Removes a specific row from the loaded dataset
  • addRow(value: any)
    • Adds a row to the end of the loaded dataset
  • updateRow(value: any, index: number)
    • Update row at index


  • rowClick
    • triggers when a row is clicked


Live Editor
// import '../static/c/async-table.wc.js';
// import '../static/c/async-table.css';

function asyncTable(props) {
  let el = useRef(null);
  useEffect(() => {
    const firstNames = ['James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Sarah', 'William', 'Jessica', 'David', 'Olivia', 'John', 'Sophia'];
    const lastNames = ['Smith', 'Johnson', 'Brown', 'Williams', 'Jones', 'Miller', 'Davis', 'Garcia', 'Martinez', 'Wilson'];
    const gender = ['M', 'F', 'O'];

    let filterName = '';
    let filterGender = '';
    let filterAge: number | null = null;

    const asyncTable = document.createElement('jp-async-table') as any;
    asyncTable.headers = [
      {key: '/name',
       label: 'Name'},
      {key: '/firstName',
       label: 'First Name'},
      {key: '/lastName',
       label: 'Last Name'},
      {key: '/gender',
       label: 'Gender'},
      {key: '/height',
       label: 'Height'},
      {key: '/age',
       label: 'Age',
       sortable: true},
      {key: '/disabled',
       label: 'Disabled',
       disabled: true}];

      asyncTable.service = {
        get: async () => {
          let rows = [...Array(20).keys()].map(() => ({
            name: firstNames [Math.floor(Math.random() * 10)],
            firstName: firstNames [Math.floor(Math.random() * 10)],
            lastName: lastNames [Math.floor(Math.random() * 10)],
            gender: gender[Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)],
            height: Math.floor(Math.random() * (200 - 120) + 120),
            age: Math.floor(Math.random() * 100),
            disabled: true

          if (filterName) {
            rows = rows.filter((row) =>;
          if (filterGender) {
            rows = rows.filter((row) => row.gender === filterGender);
          if (filterAge !== null) {
            rows = rows.filter((row) => row.age === filterAge);
          return { rows, hasMore: false };
        export: async () => {
          return [
            { name: 'John', age: 30, disabled: true },
            { name: 'Jane', age: 31, disabled: true }
        import: async () => {
          return [{ name: 'Imported John', age: 30, disabled: true }];
        arrangeColumns: async (id: string, headers: any) => {
          localStorage.setItem(id, JSON.stringify(headers));
        getColumnOrder: async (id: string) => {
          const storedValue = localStorage.getItem(id);
          return storedValue ? JSON.parse(storedValue) : null;
        adjustPageSize: async () => {},
        adjustSort: async () => {}
      }; = 'random-id';
      asyncTable.allowArrangeColumns = true;
      asyncTable.pageSizes = [10];
      asyncTable.sort = { key: '/age', direction: 'asc' };
      asyncTable.height = '500px';
      asyncTable.freezeFirstColumn = true;
      asyncTable.freezeLastColumn = true;
    return <div ref={el}></div>;