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Click Outside


Click outside is a custom util representing a Svelte action designed for detecting when a user clicks outside of a specific HTML element.

Integration and Usage

To use click-outside util, you need to import it into your project

import { clickOutside } from './path/to/utils/click-outside';

and add it to a HTML element you want to monitor.

<div use:clickOutside on:click:click_outside={() => handleCloseOutside()}>
<!-- Your content goes here -->

Type Definition

import type { ActionReturn } from 'svelte/action';

interface Return {
'on:click_outside': () => void;
  • ActionReturn
    • represents the return type of a Svelte action
    • can contain functions and event handlers
  • Return Interface
    • defines the structure of on:click_outside event handler which is dispatched by the clickOutside action

ClickOutside Function

export function clickOutside(
node: HTMLElement
): ActionReturn<{}, Return>


  • node: HTMLElement
    • the DOM element it monitors for outside clicks

Return Type

  • ActionReturn<{}, Return>
    • {}: no specifict options are passed to the action
    • Return: specifies the custom event on:click_outside defined in the Return interface as part of return type

Function Logic

window.addEventListener('keydown', handleEscape, true);
document.addEventListener('click', handleClick, true);

Event listeners are added to the window and document listening for keydown and click events and triggering functions handleEscape and handleClick.

Dispatch Function

function dispatch() {
node.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('click_outside', node));

Function Dispatch is a part of function clickOutside used for dispatching a custom click_outside event.

HandleClick Function

function handleClick(event: MouseEvent) {
if (node && !node.contains( as HTMLElement) && !event.defaultPrevented) {

Function HandleClick is a part of function clickOutside that triggers the dispatch function if the click is outside of the target node.

HandleEscape Function

function handleEscape(event: KeyboardEvent) {
if (event.key === 'Escape') {

Function HandleEscape is a part of function clickOutside that checks that triggers the dispatch function if the Escape key is pressed.


return {
destroy() {
document.removeEventListener('click', handleClick, true);
window.removeEventListener('keydown', handleEscape, true);

Function clickOutside returns an object that mathes the format of Svelte's ActionReturn interface. It contains a function:

  • destroy
    • called when the action is no longer in use
    • removes event listeners that were added to detect clicks outside the target element and presses of Escape key


  • click_outside
    • triggers when a click is detected outside the specified element or when the Escape key is pressed