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Script Loader


Script Loader is a custom util designed to dynamically load external JavaScript files into an HTML document.

Integration and Usage

To use scriptLoader util, you need to import it into your project

import { loadScript } from './path/to/utils/scriptLoader';

and call the function on a src URL of the script you want to load.

loadScript('', { async: true }, { defer: true })
.then((script) => {
console.log('Script loaded successfully:', script);
.catch((error) => {
console.error('Error loading script:', error);

LoadScript Function

export function loadScript(
src: string,
isAsync: { async: boolean },
defer: { defer: boolean }
): Promise<HTMLScriptElement>


  • src: string
    • URL of the script that needs to be loaded
  • isAsync: { async: boolean }
    • specifies asynchronous loading of the script
    • default is set to { async: true }
  • defer: { defer: boolean }
    • specifies whether the script should be deffered until the document has been parsed
    • default is set to { defer: true }

Return Type

  • Promise<HTMLScriptElement>
    • once the script is successfully loaded, it resolves to HTMLScriptElement
    • if the script isn't successfully loaded, it rejects with an Error

Function Logic

script.onload = () => resolve(script);
script.onerror = () => reject(new Error(`Script load error for ${src}`));

Event listeners are added to the script, waiting to either resolve the promise if the script is successfully loaded or reject it.


  • load
    • triggers when a script has been loaded
  • error
    • triggers when an error occurs while loading the script