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File Name Formatter


File Name Formatter is a custom formatter util designed for formatting a given file name for easier retrieval and readability.

Integration and Usage

To use fileNameFormatter util, you need to import the formatDisplayFileName function from the fileNameFormatter file into your project

import { formatDisplayFileName } from './path/to/utils/fileNameFormatter';

and call the function with a string object and a specified format.

const displayedFileNameString = formatDisplayFileName(
displayFormatFunction //optional

FormatDisplayFileName Function

export function formatDisplayFileName(
name: string,
format: string,
formatter?: (name: string) => string


  • name: string
    • name of the file that needs to be formatted
  • format: string
    • specifies the output style
  • formatter: (date: Date) => string (optional)
    • function that customizes the output format of a string object


Returns a date string formatted according to the chosen format for displaying file names.


Displayed File Name Formats

  • custom
    • custom file name format defined by the user
  • pascal
    • capitalizes all words including the first word and removes the space in between them
  • camel
    • capitalizes all words except the first word and removes the space in between them
  • snake
    • combines words by replacing the space with an underscore (_)
  • kebab
    • combines words by replacing the space with a dash (-)
  • title
    • each word starts with an uppercase letter and is separated by spaces
  • upper
    • uppercases all characters removing spaces or separators
  • lower
    • lowercases all characters removing spaces or separators
  • dot
    • combines words by replacing space with a dot (.) and lowercases all characters
  • sentence
    • capizalizes only the first word and replaces all symbols with space, making the name look like a regular sentence


This util does not have any events.